Pastor Zach Bey has been the interim pastor at First Lutheran since December 2022. He was ordained in August 2010 after graduating from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Since then Zach has served churches in North Dakota and Iowa.
Zach grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA and attended Central College in Pella, IA majoring in music and religious studies. At Central he met Juli whom he would marry in 2001, and discerned a call to pastoral ministry. After college, Zach and Juli spent two years teaching English in Japan before returning to the Midwest to begin his seminary education.
Zach lives in Newton, IA with his wife Juli and their cat. Together they enjoy playing board games; they have a library of over 300 games. In addition, Zach is active in both the Newton and Grinnell Community Theatres. He loves being on stage and has on occasion brought his love of acting into his ministry.
Zach believes that all people have been claimed and are loved by God. The God revealed in Jesus Christ has arms wide open embracing all creation in our brokenness, despair, sadness, anger, silliness, creativity, and yes even joy. Embraced by God and shown worth through God’s love and mercy, we are now called to proclaim that love to the whole world through our actions and, when necessary, our words.